'David Cole', '/resume/' => 'Web Developer Resume', '/resume/education.html' => 'Education' ); $page_herelink = '/msie/'; $page_heretext = 'Master of Science in Internet Engineering'; require ($page_depth . 'includes/inc_top.html'); ?>

Master of Science in Internet Engineering

I attended the 2001-2002 school year. Some of the information in this section, especially the class notes, is undoubtedly outdated.

See http://gradcenter.marlboro.edu/academics/MSIE.html for current information on the program.

The Gradcenter of Marlboro College

The MSIE at the Gradcenter of Marlboro College is a 30 credit-hour, twelve-month technical degree program that gives students advanced preparation in Internet technologies. All participants are assumed to have programming experience and command of at least one programming language.


The MSIE program is based upon a solid foundation in programming theory and database management, and upon current practice as it evolves with Internet technologies. Courses are designed to keep their content current with trends in industry practices and with technological advances, and are thereby subject to change.