# File date_tools.rb, line 96
  def self.parse_date( date, is_euro = false )

    #- We're only working with strings here
    date = date.to_s.strip if date.respond_to? :to_s

    date_parts = {}
    date_parts['original'] = date
    date_parts['errors'] = []
    date_parts['circa'] = false
    date_parts['year'] = nil
    date_parts['month'] = nil
    date_parts['day'] = nil
    date_parts['era'] = 'AD'

    date_in_parts = []

    date_separator = Regexp.new('[^A-Za-z0-9]', true) # Regexp.new("[- /.,]", true)

    #- Split the string

    date_in_parts = date.split(date_separator)
    date_in_parts.delete_if { |d| d.to_s.empty? }
    if date_in_parts.first.match(Regexp.new("#{ @circa_words.join('|') }", true)) then
      date_parts['circa'] = true
      date_in_parts.shift #delete_at(0)
    if date_in_parts.last.match(Regexp.new("#{ @era_words.join('|') }", true)) then
      date_parts['era'] = date_in_parts.pop.upcase.strip

    date = date_in_parts.join('-')
    date_parts['fixed'] = date

    #- Takes care of YYYY
    if date =~ /^(\d{1,4})$/
      year = $1.to_i.to_s
      month = nil
      day = nil

    #- Takes care of YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM
    elsif date =~ /^(\d{3,4})(?:-(\d{1,2})(?:-(\d{1,2}))?)?$/
      year = $1.to_i.to_s
      month = $2 ? $2.to_i.to_s : nil
      day = $3 ? $3.to_i.to_s : nil

    #- Takes care of MM-DD-YYYY
    elsif date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,4})$/
      month = $1.to_i.to_s
      day = $2.to_i.to_s
      year = $3.to_i.to_s

    #- Takes care of MM-YYYY
    elsif date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,4})?$/
      month = $1.to_i.to_s
      day = nil
      year = $2.to_i.to_s

    #- Takes care of DD-MMM-YYYY and DD-MMM
    elsif date =~ /^(\d{1,2})(?:-(#{ @month_abbreviations.keys.join('|') }).*?(?:-(\d{1,4}))?)?$/i
      month = @month_names.index(@month_abbreviations[$2.to_s.capitalize]).to_i.to_s
      day = $1.to_i.to_s
      year = $3 ? $3.to_i.to_s : nil

    #- Takes care of MMM-DD-YYYY
    elsif date =~ /^(#{ @month_abbreviations.keys.join('|') }).*?-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,4})$/i
      month = @month_names.index(@month_abbreviations[$1.to_s.capitalize]).to_i.to_s
      day = $2.to_i.to_s
      year = $3 ? $3.to_i.to_s : nil

    #- Takes care of MMM-YYYY and MMM
    elsif date =~ /^(#{ @month_abbreviations.keys.join('|') }).*?(?:-(\d{1,4}))?$/i
      month = @month_names.index(@month_abbreviations[$1.to_s.capitalize]).to_i.to_s
      day = nil
      year = $2 ? $2.to_i.to_s : nil

      date_parts['errors'] << 'Cannot parse date.'

    date_parts['year'] = year
    date_parts['month'] = month
    date_parts['day'] = day

    #- Some error checking at this point
    if month.to_i > 13 then
      date_parts['errors'] << 'Month cannot greater than 12.'
    elsif month and day and day.to_i > @days_in_month[month.to_i] then
      unless month.to_i == 2 and year and Date.parse('1/1/' + year).leap? and day.to_i == 29 then
        date_parts['errors'] << 'Too many days in this month.'
    elsif month and month.to_i < 1 then
      date_parts['errors'] << 'Month cannot be less than 1.'
    elsif day and day.to_i < 1 then
      date_parts['errors'] << 'Day cannot be less than 1.'
    if date_parts['error'] then
      return date_parts

    month_name = @month_names[month.to_i]
    date_parts['month_name'] = month_name

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    show_era = ' ' + date_parts['era']
    show_circa = date_parts['circa'] == true ? 'About ' : ''

    if year and month and day then
      date_parts['short'] = show_circa + month + '/' + day + '/' + year + show_era
      date_parts['long'] = show_circa + month_name + ' ' + day + ', ' + year + show_era
      date_parts['full'] = show_circa + Date.parse( date_parts['long'] ).strftime( '%A,' ) + Date.parse( day + ' ' + month_name + ' ' + year ).strftime( ' %B %-1d, %Y' ) + show_era
    elsif year and month then
      date_parts['short'] = show_circa + month + '/' + year + show_era
      date_parts['long'] = show_circa + month_name + ', ' + year + show_era
      date_parts['full'] = date_parts['long']
    elsif month and day then
      date_parts['short'] = show_circa + day + '-' + @month_abbreviations.keys[month.to_i]
      date_parts['long'] = show_circa + day + ' ' + month_name
      date_parts['full'] = date_parts['long']
    elsif year then
      date_parts['short'] = show_circa + year + show_era
      date_parts['long'] = date_parts['short']
      date_parts['full'] = date_parts['long']

    return date_parts
